~Scene? What´s that?!

What´s scene? Scene is a way of dressing, scene is a way of fixing your hair, scene is a way of living.
In mexico scene is not a well known term, but in united states, united kingdom, and some countrys in europe is becoming averry popular style. Scene can be boys or girl, the sex doesnt matter, the color neither, scene can be anyone who love to wear bright colors, who love to dye her hair of different and colorful colors, colors that no many people would like to wear on its hair, people who like to wear colorful and exagerated make-up. THOSE can be called SCENE! (:

Most of the scene kids have scene names. A scene name can be any word, and then your name. For example: Kiki;Kannibal Dakota;Rose Twiggy;Violence Zui;Suicide ilsee;Gorgeous
You can chose any word you like, it can be with the first letter of your name or doesnt, you get to choose.

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